Sunday, May 27, 2012 @ 4:22 PM

Hello! Almost 1 year never blog le,HAHAHAHA!
Its the O level year and my O Level Mother Tongue Paper is tomorrow and i'm still typing out this post.
I'm feeling the stress and guilt for not studying right now,but i seriously cannot get myself to study now :/
My computer is so distracting seriously...

June Holiday Plans/Goals
1. Study at least 1 hour a day
2. Start Dieting
3. Exercise a bit
4. Spend my Time fruitfully
5.Go to Harry Potter Exhibition
6. Save Money
7. Change my being late habit
8. Buck up in my studies!

Okay that's all,i hope i can fulfil and complete the list ^^

Friday, June 10, 2011 @ 7:59 PM
Animes ♥

Hello =D Very long never blog le hahaha!
I said i was gonna post my results here right? in the end i got lazy ^^ so maybe next time!
Holidays le,everyday play game and chiong anime hehes ^^
Life is like. SO SHIOK.
But the homeworks........ -.- hate them.
Hahaha! i think my eyes will spoil soon.... :/ but nvm ^^

Watched finished 2 anime series since this holiday~very little leh D:

First is : Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles! ♥

Second is : Air Gear! ♥

Saturday, May 14, 2011 @ 4:28 PM
Food Box

This. is what i want to bring during exams,and maybe next time when i go to work? ^^

Okay,posted cause exams are "OVER" le,actually,there's still emaths paper 2 and i have no idea on how to study it but its just so boring that it turns me off that makes me NOT wanna study,but,with adt such a bad teacher,how am i suppose to get an A for my emaths,but whatever, i didn't even bring anything home actually :DD

The exams are quite difficult leh =( especially a maths...
But nvm,should be can pass,that's all i was aiming for from the start ^^

Shalln't elaborate more,will post my results when it comes out,with overall thingy too ^^

Anyway,i damn damn damn happy now ^^ my birthday is on a saturday! Which means,I'm not gonna get bashed on that day? 21st April 2012 <3

Shall save up money to spend during the holidays and after exams,hehehehe ^^

Sunday, May 1, 2011 @ 6:55 PM
Chef Tan!

Chef Tan here HAHAHA! :D
still training in process uh!
I don't dare to let people try my food LOL,even though i myself say that its nice ^^
But there's no such thing as perfect uh! kekeke

Hehes,short post today :D

@ 12:11 PM

click to view larger

Why do people like to call people dog so much?

Why the sudden talk about dogs.cause there was this guy shown in the picture,which of course disappeared cause he just quit during the game.
Well,at first he was like friendly friendly to me during the first game(we play 3)
as he won me in beatrush. Then after the second game,he was calling me dog,cb etc. reason : i won him in the second game -.-
Come on,its just a game,why get so worked up over it.

Well,he wanted a rematch,so the 3rd game started,well,he couldn't outchain me in the first 30seconds and he just left.... -.- Wow. People in audition are just so stucked up la,please,lose only leh,what's the big deal.
Anyway,he won't have win if he played on,i guess he will explode,cause i got 7,345,300 for that game...
His name just nice fits the type of person he is,lamerdudes,well,he is so damn lame okay?

Anyway,i'm so damn happy for getting that score! First time i chain x29 for beat rush! i was like so damn shiok okay?! :DD

Hence,i conclude that people call others dogs for a few reason,and in this case,jealousy,seriously,does calling others dog mean insulting them? -.-

The most irritated post i typed out since i started blogging again.

I'll post one later by the way :DD

Friday, April 29, 2011 @ 5:36 PM

I wanna be one now!

I screwed up my english totally -.-
I after exam then realised need to explain the other points that i didn't choose for my letter writing.SO SO DEAD.

Nevermind that. I shall cheer up and work harder for my other paper!

I shall be like this!

A happy me! :D

Exams just got pushed backwards again too. 2nd time,cause of election thingy .___. elections are so offence,but they all look funny...those 议员.like very weird one HAHAHA!

kekeke. lazy blog le,shall end off with one picture of me!

cuteeeee right? ^^ PIGS ARE CUTE HOR!

Sunday, April 24, 2011 @ 6:11 PM
Birthday Presents~

Hahaha Hi! I did said i will post a post about my presents right? ^^

First Present of the day~ :
Shermaine's present,THANKS! <3 Luffy keychain very cuteeeeee!

Then Is vivian's 6 packets of milo packet and 6 packets of Strawberry milk! didn't take pictures causeeee,almost finished up le :DD

Xingli's,Florence's And Huixin's Birthday card! WHY ALL LIKE MENTION THE SAME THING ONE AH =P Cute sia! ^^ THANKS ALSO! <3



Name: Tan Ming Yong
D.O.B: 21/04/1996
Age: 14




